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Back Alley Garden Tea and Tour returns

By Staff | May 27, 2011

The Back Alley Garden Tea and Tour returns this weekend. The tour has become a hallmark of Shepherdstown’s summer season. Events like the Tea and Tour promote the historic preservation of our town and act as opportunities to host tourists from all over the country.

Last year’s Tea and Tour brought over 500 visitors through our alley ways and gardens.

This year with planned destinations to include an organic bee garden, a stop at our local farmer’s market and visits to the historic Thomas Shepherd Grist Mill along with other historic sites, the tour is sure to succeed in showcasing the unique character of Shepherdstown.

Though the Back Alley Tea and Tour only happens once a year, it’s impact is long-lasting.

Events like it, which encourage the participation of many local businesses and spur an interest in local historic sites, are some of the best ways we can cultivate enthusiasm for our small town among travelers from all over.

The Chronicle looks forward to seeing many new and familiar faces sipping teas and touring our local gardens this weekend!