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Democracy – first and foremost

By Staff | Nov 18, 2011

We at The Shepherdstown Chronicle believe everyone should have a chance to be heard. Isn’t that what our democratic process is about?

The 13-plus acres next to Morgan’s Grove Park that Shepherdstown resident Peter Corum wants to rezone from “rural” to “industrial-commercial” puts some park neighbors on edge.

At last week’s Jefferson County Planning Commission meeting, some, including Mr. Corum, spoke about their feelings about this property being rezoned. Some stood behind the county planning and zoning department’s recommendation to the commission to deny the request to rezone.

But the commission did not follow that recommendation, and the request to rezone appeared on the Jefferson County Commission agenda yesterday at the applicant’s request – despite numerous letters for a public hearing regarding the matter.

By press time, the county commission had yet to reach a decision, but we at The Chronicle hope that the democratic process was taken seriously and all who wanted to be heard were able to speak. And we also hope that the planning and zoning department’s recommendation was carefully considered, as well as Mr. Corum’s plans.

We can only hope that the county commission can reinstate some faith in our democratic process.

Do not hurry things along. Consider items carefully as well as the individuals impacted by your decisions.