Our Opinion
In any community, the work of volunteers is paramount to the success of any number of projects. Shepherdstown is no exception to that rule. Seldom do people know all of the man hours and efforts given by individuals who simply have a heart’s desire to serve and make things happen.
This week, we at the Chronicle salute one such individual who has given of his time over the past several years in providing an invaluable service to many in this community. John Lazarczyk has faithfully published his Events Calendar which many have grown to rely upon in planning their schedules. The Chronicle has found the calendar an indispensable source of information when planning what events to attend as well as what to share with our readers.
Many community leaders and individuals have also come to rely on this tool. The calendar has appeared regularly in email in boxes each Sunday, expanding over the years to include more and more events.
John has worked hard to develop a network for gathering information for this calendar which has benefited the community as a whole.
John and his wife, Lisa, will soon be leaving our area, moving on to their next life’s adventure; however, we did not want to have them go without publicly acknowledging the tremendous resource he has developed and offering a heartfelt thank you for all of the hours put into making all of our scheduling duties go a little bit smoother.
Thankfully, the Shepherdstown Visitor’s Center and Cheryl Keyrouse have picked up the task of providing the calendar while a replacement is sought for the weekly effort.
We wish the Lazarczyks the best in their relocation, hoping they know that their efforts here have been and will continue to be apprecitated.