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Signs, signs, everywhere signs

By Staff | Apr 20, 2012

Just as the spring has brought any number of flowering trees and plants, so has election season brought us every size, shape and color of campaign sign imaginable. These signs have been popping up overnight in just about every location one can place a sign. They adorn lawns, roadways, shopping center entrances and rural fields. Truly an economic boom for sign companies, the products tell us all who to vote for for which office.

While an effective campaign tool, especially for those who have so many signs, candidates must remember that there are legal stipulations to posting these lovely “decorations.” According to Secretary of Transportation Paul Mattox, “The law bans political signs and stickers from right of way locations especially highway shoulders, traffic signs or devices, trees, stones, fence posts and utility poles.”

Some of our candidates need to read that law and relocate some of their signage to more appropriate locations.

Regardless of where the signs are placed, we also encourage candidates to make note of where they place their signs and plan to go back and get them after campaign season is over.

The primary election is scheduled for May 8. Signs should be promptly removed so that our natural landscape can be enjoyed before we head into the fall’s general election and more signs take their place. We would strongly suggest that those candidates who are successful in their primary win remove the signs for the summer before placing them back on display for the fall campaign. While a time-consuming task, the efforts made by such candidates will not be lost on the voting public.