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Only two more months of campaigning

By Staff | Aug 24, 2012

As August closes out, the final push of political campaigning is gearing up around the county. The Jefferson County Fair is the unofficial kick-off of the season with politicians gathering where there are crowds in hopes of garnering a few more votes. With a little over two months left before election day, let’s hope that we can all find some tolerance for each other and the office seekers.

Driving around, one notices the influx of campaign signs once again as yards and roadways are filled with “vote for me” requests. Name recognition could be a vote getter certainly the numbers of signs posted make voters aware of who’s running.

Another thing voters become aware of, or at least this voter does, is that many of these political hopefuls post their signs illegally. One would think that when running for a leadership position, especially one where the office holder has some responsibility for making or enforcing the laws, that these same folks would educate themselves on the laws of political campaigning. Signs should be posted on private property, with the permission of the property owner. Signs are not to be placed in the public right-of-way….period. Signs found in these public spots will be picked up by the Department of Highway officials and destroyed. What an inefficient use of one’s campaign funds to create and print signage only to place it illegally and have it thrown away.

Soon our newspapers will be filled with local advertising to join the national ads that seem to have been in the running for years. Television is saved mostly for state and national candidates who find it necessary (although we cannot fathom why) to sling mud and attack their opponents. The presidential race is one that gets dirtier everyday. It makes this voter wish there were other choices to make rather than the two who seem bent on destructing the character of the opponent rather than on the need to find solutions to national problems and issues.

Thankfully our local races are more civil, often sharing thoughts and ideas in an effort to provide the best possible solution to Jefferson County issues. Let’s hope that civility continues to reign here at home; perhaps casting a suggestion to those in more expanded races to focus on the issues at hand and not the individuals.