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Keeping it beneath moonlight and streetlamps

By Staff | Sep 8, 2012

More than a month ago, I began a concerted effort of rising earlier than my norm and taking the morning hours to walk. Borrowing the practice of alliteration from my pastor, I must say I have found the effort one worthwhile, wondrous and sometimes a test of willpower.

I say wondrous because of many reasons, but the one that stands out the most is that I can get up, go out of my house before 6 a.m. and feel comfortable walking through the town in which I live. I know there are many places in the country, and even in our own county, that I could not do such a thing as walk alone beneath moonlight and streetlamps. I am blessed to be where I can. Wonder also comes as I witness (oh another ‘w’) the beautiful sunrise over Bolivar and Haprers Ferry every morning. It is a sight of which I never grow weary.

Willpower comes in when I simply want to hit that snooze button another half dozen times and skip that walk. Even when I get out there and begin to mark off the mile markers (I am up to five each morning now), I find myself negotiating in my mind to cut it short by a bit. But perseverance wins out and the walk somehow is completed.

This brings around that element of worthwhile because I know the effort is a healthy one. We live in such an “under-exercised” world with issues of weight causing health problems and even early death that we should all recognize the need to get up and get moving. I must admit that the weight loss has been an added bonus on this worthwhile venture.

Not only do I feel better, less tired (despite the early hour) and more motivated, the quiet time alone offers time for reflection, prayer, wishful thinking….you name it. I would highly recommend that everyone find that time slot in which you can do something physically good for you (walking, running, biking anything that gets the blood flowing) as well as something mentally good for you (even wool-gathering….).

Be thankful that you are able to enjoy the community in which you live and embrace it knowing it has something to offer in return. edito