Let us continue to be a giving community
Never is it more evident that we live in a giving society than at Christmas time. Over the past few weeks, I have had the privilege of learning about a variety of organizations and individuals who have given in a material way to those less fortunate. Many in our community make the effort to share with those who have less bounty or moreso, those who simply need help to survive.
Operation Christmas Child, a ministry with a distribution point at Covenant Baptist Church, will receive hundreds of shoe boxes filled with gifts for small children around the world. These boxes were packed and provided by members of any number of churches in the community.
The Good Shepherd Interfaith Caregivers continue to provide assistance to those who are in need this holiday season and every day. The Meals on Wheels program distributes 65 meals per day to those who may otherwise not have food. The local Rotary clubs donate to charitable causes not only at this time of year but throughout the entire year.
The Jefferson County Community Ministries has served more needy individuals this year than ever before in their history. Their adopt-a-family for Christmas program is also at top capacity. The Charles Town Kiwanis Club will serve 200 families, more than 500 children, with gifts this Christmas. The Jefferson County Shoe and Coat Fund provides needed warmth for students who don’t have the resources to acquire shoes and coats in any other manner.
The list goes on and on and it is moves one to tears to see the generosity of our community at this time of year and beyond. But what is the saddest is that there is so much need in our community that each of these charitable organizations are receiving requests beyond any numbers recorded before and sometimes beyond their ability to serve.
I have no words of wisdom on how to solve the economic downturn of our nation and the plight of so many in our community who will struggle to keep food on the table and heat in their homes this winter. I simply ask that we continue to pull together and assist each other whenever we can. For those who are able to help those who are facing bad times, do so with a giving heart. None of us ever believe something bad can happen to us until it does. Imagine walking in another’s shoes and give as you are able to any one of these organizations, especially at this Christmas time.