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The holiday is called Christmas

By Staff | Dec 14, 2012

December 25 Christmas Day. The day is named Christmas, “Christ’s Mass” and is a holiday that is known for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. While the actual day of Jesus’ birth is likely not on this date, Dec. 25 is what has been set aside for this holy day celebration. A Christian holiday, it has been honored and kept for many, many years.

With that being said, I find that the call from many around the country and perhaps around the world that Christians should somehow change their focus on this day and change the name of anything associated it with the Christmas holiday to reflect the removal of Christ shows a complete lack of respect for the holiday and for those who have honored it. While tolerance and “fairness” and the fear of offending someone who does not believe in Christ or what Christmas stands for in the minds of Christians has many politicians, businesses and even churches referring to this most holy Christian day as something other than what it is, the tolerance and fairness and fear to offend should be coming from those who demand its change.

To call for the banning of “Charlie Brown’s Christmas” (Little Rock, Ark.) because it refers to the Christmas story in the Bible, to change “Merry Christmas” to “Happy Holiday” or to refer to a Christmas tree as a “holiday” tree these acts speak volumes against what those who call for the changes allegedly cry for.

To be offended by the celebration of a holiday simply because a majority of others celebrate it shows a lack of respect and tolerance that goes beyond any offense one could be shown by receiving a Christmas card or being wished “Merry Christmas.”

It is what it is Christmas. For those who do not wish to celebrate the holiday as the birth of Christ, simply enjoy it as a day off from work. Enjoy the gifts that others give or simply sit it out and ignore it. But don’t demand that the names be altered to align with your personal beliefs. What makes your beliefs so much more important than mine, or any other Christian who celebrates this day? Tolerance and political correctness have gone entirely too far when one cannot simply accept that this holiday is one celebrated by Christians for a particular reason. Just as Kwanzaa is celebrated,as Hanukkah is celebrated, so is Christmas celebrated. Accept it, enjoy its benefits, be happy for those who find comfort and peace in its celebration and don’t demand its change.

If you do not wish to attend church, then don’t. If you do not wish for your child to attend a production of a traditional Christmas play or watch a time-honored holiday special that proclaims the Christian story, then choose to remove them from it but do not call for its elimination from the lives of everyone else. To do so simply weakens the call for “fairness” and “tolerance” and attempts to destroy the peaceful message of the entire season.