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Farewell 2012….Hello 2013

By Staff | Dec 28, 2012

It is hard to believe that another year has come and gone. The proverbial belief that time passes more quickly the older you get continues to come through with frightening clarity.

The end of 2012 brings with it the anniversary of my service at the Chronicle. Again, hard to believe a year has come and gone since I have joined the ranks of those who love and experience Shepherdstown. I came into this position hesitantly; however I can honestly say it has been a blessing and a truly wonderful experience to get to know so many people here int his unique part of the Panhandle.

It has been a busy year here in town with the celebration of 250 years of signing the charter of the town. It was a good time to come in and learn about the history and the people who have made up and continue to make up the town. We have tried to bring that history and flavor of celebration to you through the words and photos of the Chronicle and hope we have done at least a sufficient job.

There have been parades galore-I did not realize how many things deserve a parade to celebrate! There have been stories to tell and music to enjoy. There have also been tears to shed as the town said farewell to some well-loved individuals.

There has not been a week go by that something (and often many ‘somethings’) was happening in and around town. I look forward to 2013 with the anticipation that there will continue to be multiple things going on each and every week that we can share with our faithful readers. Before we know it, we will be dancing around the maypole and shopping at the booths of Streetfest. We will watch the progress on the proposed Rumsey Green and see how the Morgan’s Grove Market expands. We will enjoy sporting events at Shepherd and musical productions from the Frank Center and beyond as well as shows at the Opera House.

Our routines will continue each day; however, let us never miss the chance to see a bit of sparkle in the routine. A child’s laughter, sounds of a sermon on Sunday, instruments playing at Thursday’s jam sessions-grab a moment and make it your own!

We wish each of you a blessed and prosperous 2013 and we hope that you will continue to take the journey with us each week as we make a humble attempt to record the history, the lives, of this special place known as Shepherdstown.