I resolve to….at least for a little while
Even though we are a few days into the new year, there is still time to talk about those beloved resolutions. We all make them, even if only in our minds. They often become the brunt of jokes as the annual “I will” list dwindles before the first week ends. But, these resolutions, these thoughts of improvement, serve to motivate us even if only for a while.
I must admit that I am guilty of repeating resolutions yearly as I vow to get in better shape, to adjust my diet to more healthy eating, to do this and that. All resolutions are kept, at least for some period of time. Even though I know that somewhere down the weeks on the calendar those resolutions will end, I do find myself encouraged to at least begin! You, too, should find that motivation and carry on with your own self-improvement goals and hopeful to do lists for 2013.
While the eating and exercising thing is a constant, I must admit that it is easier to begin the habits following all of the bad habits that kicked in during the holiday feasting. Visits to they exercise room are on the agenda as well, which will be easier because I have changed from a higher cost gym that is out of the way to the local parks and recreation which I pass each day on the way to and from work. Having friends there at the community center will help encourage.
Encouragement is a must in keeping any of these resolutions! I have begun and resolve to continue piano lessons. Despite the discomfort by continual practice must cause, I am receiving encouragement from my family!
I set a personal goal each year to also return to the use of “snail mail” to send birthday and anniversary wishes. While that hangs on for a few months, those celebrating later in the year should be forewarned to expect that text or Facebook wish! (I will try to last longer this year!)
One thing I do resolve to do each year, and have been successful at, is volunteering. I encourage each of you to select an area where you can volunteer as well. Having children always helps as there are always things my children are involved in that provide volunteer opportunities. But I serve on a variety of boards that help lead and organize services within our county. The personal satisfaction in knowing that I may help continue to provide food to some of our seniors or playground equipment to kids makes the commitments involved easier to take on.
When looking for a volunteer commitment, find something that pulls at your heartstrings. There are many organizations, clubs, boards and committees that need help.
Whatever your resolution may be for 2013, good luck with the commitment to make it last. Find someone to encourage you and keep up the good work! I resolve to try to to remember to check in sometime around June to see how the resolutions are holding up.