Two little words make all the difference
Each and every day we are all in situations where two words can make the difference in our day or the day of someone else. A simple “thank you” can make someone smile or feel appreciated while the lack of the two words can leave one sad, amazed or disgusted.
In today’s world of “me, me, me” the use of thank you often falls by the wayside. Our children are not taught the high standard of manners and appreciation. Instead they often expect things to be given and in no way feel gratitude for all they receive. Blame for such behavior cannot fall solely on the shoulders of the youth but even moreso on the backs of the adults in their lives who allow the lack of manners to become the norm of our society.
But what should we expect when we receive no thank you from store clerks or restaurant servers. We receive no thank you from a stranger when we hold the door or when we let them merge into traffic ahead of us. Instead we receive nasty looks or gestures if we fail to allow someone to go ahead or we don’t provide instant gratification for their needs.
I would suggest to you that the revitalization of manners and the use of the simple two words, “thank you,” would bring a sense of renewal in our day to day lives. Witnessing the use of these words, along with other polite mannerisms, can give hope for a future generation as well as bring a smile and satisfaction to those on the receiving end and the giving.
I encourage you to make a concerted effort to say “thank you” to at least five people today for some action they do on your behalf. Make it a daily habit and it will brighten both your day and those around you.
Take the effort a step further and actually write a written thank you note to someone. Oh my, the use of pen and paper and actually placing a note in an envelope and putting a stamp on it is almost unheard of. But, I challenge you to do it! Don’t use email or texting. Put the effort into an actual handwritten note of thanks. There is nothing so nice as receiving “snail mail” that is not a bill! And the fact that someone takes the time to write a note of thanks offers encouragement for good deeds to continue to be done.
A note can be for a gift received, an action done or simply to say “thank you for being my friend.” Wouldn’t it be nice if we all received one of these now and then? Make someone’s day and take the the time!
And let me say here, thank you all for reading! I have heard many words of encouragement over the past few weeks about the editorials here so I know you are reading! Take this one to heart and say a big “thank you” today.