Time to prepare for the winter
Temperatures are dropping outside and the local Emergency Management department has issued a freeze watch for the coming evenings. Are you prepared for cold weather?
It is important to get things in order before the cold weather comes. Furnaces should be inspected yearly before being used. Check around windows and doors to determine if there is air coming and going. A little entryway can cause a lot of extra dollars to show up on the heating bill.
Speaking of heating bills, costs of heating fuel and electricity are surely not decreasing. In fact, they most likely will continue to rise as they have in the past. Our home is heated by oil and it costs a small fortune to keep warm in the winter. We are considering the possibility of purchasing electric “stoves” to supplement the system we have now to potentially save. Investigating possible savings measures is one more thing to prepare for the season.
As snowflakes are falling in Garrett County to our north, we must realize that the beautiful white stuff could be here soon as well. Make sure you are prepared for a snow storm with shovels and de-icer for vehicles. Get out the warm clothing and make sure you know where hats, gloves and boots are located.
As sad as it may be to some to exchange those summer shorts for some winter gear, the time is here. Going out unprepared can be at the least uncomfortable and at the worst a health risk.
Make sure children heading out to school wear coats, gloves, hats and boots. Do not let your child tell you coats aren’t cool. While that excuse is a popular one, it just doesn’t work! It is important for them to keep warm as they travel to and from the bus stop or school itself.
The same goes for the working adults. Make sure you have a coat. Just because you may go from the house to the car (sometimes within the attached garage) and don’t anticipate spending any time in the cold air, sometimes accidents happen. A flat tire or other event may cause you to have to exit your vehicle. You want to be sure you are able to do so without risk of facing frigid air.
Along those lines, it is wise to keep an emergency kit in your vehicle with jumper cables, flares and other minor repair items. Make sure your spare tire is on board and in good shape. Keep a blanket and some non-perishable snacks handy as well, just in case.
It is better to be ready for an emergency and have items than wish you had done so!