Give thanks to all who make our way easier
The road crews for the state and for the county and towns have worked more than their share of hours this winter to treat the roadways, to plow inches upon inches of snow and to make the way as clear as possible for those who have to leave their homes. Many times the snow is plowed and replowed as it drifts back across the roads.
The individuals who have this job work long hours, often at night–all night–to clear the path.
Shepherdstown specific owes a debt of gratitude to the public works staffers who have given time, energy and expertise to repair many water issues this season.
Add to them the emergency responders who are out in the weather to rescue those who maybe shouldn’t be out in the weather. Police, firefighters, EMTs and other rescue workers take to the roadways to rescue and secure those who are stranded and hurt, not taking into account their own safety or desire to stay inside.
Helping those responders know where to go are those in the county dispatch center who also work endlessly taking calls and directing the correct response teams. These folks deserve our appreciation on any given day, but perhaps moreso as winter weather wreaks havoc.
Helping out our area’s homeless are many individuals working together to provide warming shelters, overnight accommodations and meals.
The never ending willingness of so many should never go overlooked. We sincerely thank you all.