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Agencies should know flag policy

By Staff | Feb 26, 2016

As the time has passed for the funeral of Justice Antonin Scalia, I must again voice an opinion of how the entire situation was handled both on state and local levels.

I was dumbfounded, when driving locally, to see that none of the flags at the federal buildings such as the post offices were lowered. Neither were flags at municipal town halls here in Shepherdstown or in neighboring Ranson, Charles Town and others.

Our local public schools did not lower flags; nor did American Public University in Charles Town.

The State Division of Motor Vehicles had their flag flying high.

I must say that I spent a significant amount of time calling these individual businesses and government offices to find out why, exactly, they were not honoring a Supreme Court Justice with the lowering of the flag.

Answers included that they didn’t know he died; they didn’t get an email from the White House and they didn’t get an email from the Governor’s office.

So, I called the White House and was told that, indeed, President Obama had issued the order for the lowering of flags as is the policy.

Gov. Tomblin’s office also said they had sent an order to lower the flags after receiving word from Washington. The nice man in Charleston even said he would call our DMV and then return my call. Needless to say, I did not hear from him.

But the flags were lowered after my efforts to educate those in charge of these government facilities. What a shame they don’t check their emails or faxes or even the news to be aware of such an important story.

I mean, even McDonald’s lowered their flag without being told.