A shout out to the graduates
This week I take this space to give a shout of congratulations to all of those graduating this month! That includes our neighbors here at Shepherd University who bestowed diplomas last weekend; to our upcoming high school graduates here in Jefferson County; and to others graduating whose family ties lie right here in our community.
There is nothing more exciting for a graduate than walking across that stage, receiving that diploma and knowing that the job was well-done. The feeling is just as thrilling for friends and families who witness the momentous occasion.
Graduation, while a “ceremony” is also a culmnation of completion of a lot of hard work. It is not an easy thing completing all of the courses necessary to earn a degree. The challenge takes commitment, dedication and sometimes giving up other things to reach the goal.
I watch this year as several of my dearest friends have children that have or will walk to receive college diplomas. Some are completing their Bachelor’s degrees while some are finishing higher levels of education. It is almost as if they were my own children walking!
But wait, I?do have one walking this year. Our family heads to Fairmont State this Saturday as our oldest daughter, Polly, receives her Masters in Education. Pride does not begin to describe.
And in a few short weeks, many students I have come to know at Jefferson and Washington high schools will take that next step in their lives and complete this high school chapter.
Join me in wishing all of these young people (and some not so young at the college level) the best of luck as they step into the future. There are no crystal balls to show what lies ahead, but certainly they can look at what is now behind them and feel satisfaction and accomplishment.
And they can feel a little more prepared for wherever their next steps lead them.