Know and abide by laws of the road
Sometimes I think that we need to give adult and “experienced” drivers a refresher course. A a mother of a recently licensed driver and one more up and coming, I watch my girls be very cautious when obeying laws of the road.
Wouldn’t it be nice if those who have been driving for years took such care?
I drive around the county and around West Virginia in general as well as other states quite frequently. I see many drivers who do not follow the speed limit that is posted.
While police officers are often quick to catch the speeding driver, there is no remedy for the driver who goes way below the posted speed.
Speed limits are determined to be the safe driving speed of a given area of roadway. When a driver insists upon going 10 miles per hour or even more below that posted speed, they provide a recipe for frustration and potential disaster.
There is nothing worse than planning one’s time–knowing approximately how long a drive will take (at the posted speed limit) and getting stuck behind a driver who simply trods along.
Many of our roads provide passing lanes, but the traffic flow is often so heavy that drivers cannot take advantage of those straightaways.
A simple solution is for slower drivers to either work their way up to the posted speed limit or move to the side of the road at a safe location and let traffic pass.
Another pet peeve of mine (and which is against the law) are drivers who drive in rain and fog or other weather conditions without their lights on.
It is impossible sometimes to see a vehicle, especially a light colored vehicle, in the rain when they don’t have lights on. The law wa sput in place for the safety of all drivers–so please remember to put those headlights on in adverse weather conditions.
With that said, when lights are on at night, do not drive with high beams on into oncoming traffic. The brightness can be blinding to those coming toward you, making it difficult to see the roadway.
There are other areas in which many could use training, including not putting make up on while driving or not texting while driving. Eating is sometimes hazardous, especially when there is a spill.
When you’re in the car, do what you are supposed to be doing–concentrate on driving the vehicle in a safe and legal manner. Be aware of your surroundings and other drivers and make concessions to allow them to move around you as necessary.
It’s all for the safety of everyone on the road!