So many things our children need to know
There are so many little details that our children need to know as they grow older. This week, I was faced with questions from a 25-year old now on her own about how to pay property taxes.
First, I told her, you have to change your county of residence so you pay to the right place. What?? Why is life so complicated?
Then my 17-year-old says, “How do I fill out a deposit slip?” She needs to put money in the bank. At least that is one thing she knows how to do!
My good friend, Lori Robertson, on her Facebook status, recently asked for ideas on things we should make sure our children know how to do before they go off to college. Many of her friends added invaluable suggestions. I share with you a few of those plus a few of my own.
First and foremost, we need to make sure our children know how to complete basic survival techniques like how to make a meal and how to wash dishes. (Whether it be by hand or dishwasher, it is essential unless they want to live on paper products.)
Then, speaking of washing, how about how to run the washer and dryer. This includes coin operated just in case they find themselves without the washer in the basement.
Our kids also need to know how pump gas; how to balance their checkbooks (or keep track of money if they only use a debit card).
They need to know howto file their taxes (or to hire H&R Block) and know the importance of doing this on time so they don’t face penalties.
They need to know how to register to vote and how to, at the same time, register for Selective Service.
Renting a post office box is handy or knowing a mailing address where bills get delivered. Then, know how to pay them on time!
Before they even get to bills, they need to know how to apply for college, for scholarships—how to write a resume or prepare for a job interview. They need to know the importance of good credit and the importance of good behavior (i.e., no criminal record).
The list is endless it seems. How can we imagine sending our children, whether they are grown or not, out into the cruel world.
Well, if we don’t teach them all these things, they are bound to keep coming back home to get our help and advice. Just what we need!!