Critical new talent joins club
I am happy to report that at the Jan. 12 board meeting the Shepherdstown Men’s Club elected officers and confirmed the division of labor between board members for the 2011 calendar year. While many of our leadership team will be staying on the board, several have changed roles and we are delighted to add some critical new talent. Many of our key members play an equally substantial role in other community organizations and that creates powerful synergies that we strive to exploit.
We are very conscious of the fact that no successful organization acts alone in this community.
Since it might prove to be useful to know who to contact for particular aspects of Men’s Club Activities, the structure of our team follows:
I will continue another year as President. John Amos continues as Vice President, Vicky Thomas will serve as Secretary and Marit Davis will take over as Treasurer. The Standing committees will be led by the following chairmen: Maintenance Tom Keyrouze and Don Davis; Membership Cris Kinsella; Hospitality Bonnie Austin; Art Wineburg Representative to the Jefferson County Parks and Recreation Commission and again as Chairman for our annual book sale Chris Stroech will continue in his role as the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee on Morgan’s Grove Park; Lindsay Guild – Dinner Program Chairman; and Doreen Voigt as Web Master. Ruth McQuade is also a member of the board. And, as many of you are aware, Judy Shepherd and her daughter Jenny Haynes manage rental of the War Memorial Building for us when they aren’t playing Santa Claus, conjuring up haunted houses or cooking chicken.
I hasten to note that we still have room for three more board members to help with publicity, the all-important Back Alley Tour, and fund raising. We have an excellent “on the job training program” if you are interested. And it you find humor in that, you may also smile at seeing so many women playing important roles in the Men’s Club.
The easiest way to contact us is via our web page: or my email: