Farm needs to be protected
With regard to your story last week about the Audubon Society fundraiser at Wild Goose farm, I must admit I am disappointed. Life is changing, and unfortunately not for the better in some ways.
I live on Terrapin Neck Road across from Wild Goose farm. I am saddened that this great farm, built by the grandson of the founder of Shepherdstown, and rightly called one of Shepherdstown’s most historic properties, is being divided up and developed for commercial purposes.
The tradition of great families (in all senses of the words) holding an historical place, a unique farm, in its entirety, in trust for future generations to also enjoy and revere is being whittled away, eroded, as our county is “developed.”
Such is progress, defined in today’s terms, and I guess the Audubon Society must move with the times, adding its seal of approval.
Still, I wonder whether this recognition is consistent with Audubon’s vision statement that “The Society seeks to create a larger and more diverse community of people who treasure the natural world and work to preserve it.”
In this day apparently treasuring the natural world and working to preserve it also must include commercializing it and turning a profit.
Michael Lippe