Letter Austin
We are advised that the Jefferson County Planning and Zoning Department will hold a meeting at 10 a.m. in the basement of the Charles Town Library today to allow community members to hear an explanation of the Twin Oaks Subdivision application for a Conditional Use Permit (CPU) to pursue plans for development of Morgan’s Grove Market. This is an excellent opportunity for those of us who are concerned about potential impacts on Morgan’s Grove Park and the surrounding community to be fully briefed and express our views in a timely manner. The next Planning Committee session, which will probably take an initial look at this request, is scheduled for March 13.
Those who were involved in the earlier battle over rezoning of this long-contested property may recall that we argued that the “CUP” route was preferable over inappropriate rezoning. We were fortunate enough to get what we wanted so now the onus is on us to make sure that we fully support due process in properly considering this request.
I would urge everyone who shares our interest in Morgan’s Grove to plan to participate in the meeting and forthrightly express their views. You can read and make copies of the CUP application beforehand by visiting the Planning and Zoning Department office at 116 East Washington Street in Charles Town. Unfortunately the material is not available on line.
Following the discussion today, after we are fully informed, we can decide what additional steps might be necessary and appropriate in furthering the interests of the greater Shepherdstown community.
Mike Austin