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Jefferson County hits trifecta

By Staff | Oct 5, 2012

Never has our County seen Mike Castle, Fred Blackmer and Dave Hammer agree on anything one issue, except the failings of over a year’s work by Ms. Brockman’s staff on the County Zoning Ordinance. This was made clear through their testimony at a recent public hearing on proposed Zoning Ordinance changes. I’m stating nothing that I haven’t already said to them directly. The Trifecta testimony clearly shows a lack of understanding by staff of the direction our community needs to move

towards. Current planning process changes continues to create uncertainty for both the residences and businesses of our community. Our county is under economic pressure from Maryland (gaming) and we

have squandered the last five years of lead time in defining and evolving our future – one, I see based on agriculture, heritage, technology and tourism. We have to become a more environmentally and economically sustainable community.

There needs to be accountability for the money being spent by staff and the lack of results. Now is the time for the County Commission, Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals to be proactive in guiding their staff to create a supportive environment for the residences and businesses of the county. It’s extremely important that during this current attempt at Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance changes, that the staff spend their time working on the visions presented to them by the county bodies they work for and not pursue personal interpretations.

This direction has to include oversight and accountability to ensure that the proper product is being drafted and the wishes of the County Commission, Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals and the public are reflected in staff’s finished work product.

Peter S Corum
