A vote for Morgan
It appears than many of our citizens are under the misconception that County Commissioners only represent their respective districts in Jefferson County deliberations. In fact, they all must keep themselves informed and deal appropriately with issues and concerns that arise anywhere within the county. Thus it is a matter of interest and concern that we look critically at all candidates in the upcoming election. It is in that context that I would like to encourage everyone to give full consideration and support to Frances Morgan when you go to the polls in early November.
During my civil career as FEMA’s planning officer and work overseas as the U.S. Representative to the NATO Civil Emergency Planning Committee I gained a healthy respect for the role of local government officials. They provide the solid foundation upon which viable democracies must function and deal equitably with numerous contentious issues. If you have seen the length and complexity of most weekly Jefferson County Commission agendas, you undoubtedly appreciate what a challenge it is to represent all of citizens in the community.
Most of us only engage our local governments when we want something or when we feel strongly about an issue that directly concerns us. The rest of the time we tend to defer to the diligence and judgment of our representatives and trust that they conscientiously look after our well-being. All too often we assume that they will show balance and protect our interests in the face of equally compelling demands from others, even though we don’t always articulate them consistently or effectively.
We have seen Frances perform this difficult task exceptionally well as one of our County Commissioners. Her professionalism, tenacity and dedication to the job are impressive and merit our careful consideration. She has certainly gained my respect and admiration as an effective local government representative. As always, it is a case where actions speak louder than words.
Mike Austin