Earth Day very successful
The observation of “Earth Day” last Saturday at Morgan’s Grove Park was a very rewarding experience for everyone who participated. It is gratifying to see the park used as it was intended and an eloquent way to show our appreciation for the many volunteers and devoted members of the community who have worked hard to maintain it. The turnout was excellent and included families, many with their children and a fair number of pets; groups of teenagers and individuals who sauntered around soaking up the relaxing atmosphere. A series of talented musicians performed from a temporary stage set up below the pavilion and a record number of vendors contributed a rich mix of tasty food and drinks, arts and crafts, home grown products and a wide selection of activities.
Many of the civic and non-profit organizations that play important roles in everyday life here in the Eastern Panhandle also came to interact with the community and help to add substantive meaning to the “Earth Day” event. The presence of our Shepherdstown Volunteer Fire Department crews and equipment and even a Pan-Tran bus that was receiving a little “touching up” from budding young artists and their mentors added to the traditional American character flavor of the day.
Stephanie Unger and other directors of “Earth Vibe Productions”, the local company that planned and managed the event, deserve special recognition. Of course it could not have been accomplished without the numerous volunteers who worked from dawn to after dark to make it happen. As has been the case for this and prior “Earth Days” at Morgan’s Grove Park, they left it in as good or better shape than they found it. Despite all of the adversity and negativism that we encounter in today’s world this event demonstrated that we can still do things right and have a good time in the process.
Mike Austin