Advocating the great outdoors
The great outdoors provides us all with an opportunity to interact with nature. This opportunity is becoming more unique over time due to the lack of Americans spending time outdoors. Having been born and raised in a variety of National Parks, I personally have grown up surrounded by the natural wonders this nation bestows. I am one of the few people of my generation who has been immersed in the outdoors. I am one of the lucky ones. That’s why I am going to Washington, D.C. on June 24 for Great Outdoors America Week.
As a Sierra Club intern, I’m joining delegates from around the country to remind our representatives to support efforts that reconnect Americans, especially kids and young adults, with the outdoors. It’s well-documented that we don’t spend much time outdoors anymore 80 percent of Americans live in urban areas with little access to green spaces and young people spend an average of 7.5 hours a day connected to electronic media and less time getting outside in nature.
Getting people outside is a way to re-energize them to protect our special places. But we have to make sure that people living in all parts of the country have access to meaningful outdoor activities, everything from access to national, iconic parks to the park across the street. It is my hope that future generations will be able to experience natural wonders all across America, from hiking the rim trail to Sunrise Point in Bryce Canyon to riding their bikes on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal through Shepherdstown.
Sarah M. Danno