A message from the Shepherdstown Street Fest Board
2013 was a great year for SSF, and we could not have pulled it off without the help and support of so many people like you! Our Board met recently and has decided to take a year off with the commitment of returning in 2015, allowing us the time to build upon an already well-oiled machine. Producing an event of this size demands an organized team. We will be looking for new members to add to our core team to continue to bring the best possible festival to Shepherdstown. SSF production costs are over $20,000. We do not charge admission, provide a free shuttle, and thanks to Shepherd University, can offer free parking. We brought in over 8,000 people with amazing musicians and vendors to help showcase our town, and generate money to donate to our charities – over $11,000 this year. For those that supported us in the past, we appreciate that support beyond words, and look forward to your support again in 2015. Over the next 6 months, we will be looking for dedicated people, including a grant writer, and others who can shadow current board members. Mark your calendars for June 27, 2015. We will be back! Please contact Lori Robertson, 540-336-4737/lahraven@comcast.net if you’re interested in helping for SSF 2015!