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Learn and vote

By Staff | Mar 18, 2016

The very close results in several key Presidential primaries this spring remind us all that every vote matters!

The West Virginia primary will take place on May 10. Citizens can register as late as April 19 at the County Clerk’s office in Charles Town or Martinsburg.

Voters who cannot get to the polls on May 10 can obtain information about Absentee and Early Voting (April 27 May 10) from’the County Clerk’s offices. Contact information is: Jefferson County; jeffersoncountywv.org or 304- 728-3215 and Berkeley County; berkeleywv.org or 304-264-1927.

Not only are we voting in the Presidential primary, we are voting for Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Commissioner of Agriculture, Attorney General, our state Delegates and Senators as well as local County Commission members, County Clerk, Circuit Clerk, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, Assessor and Surveyor.

The positions of Justice of the Supreme Court of Appeals, Circuit and Family Court Judges, Magistrates, Board of Education members and Soil Conservation District Supervisor are elected as non-partisan positions and those elected to office will be determined during the primary election. There is a lot at stake!

The League of Women Voters encourages everyone to be informed and to make plans to vote in the primary on May 10. LWVJC will be scheduling Candidate Forums in the month of April. Watch the papers or visit our website at lwv-jcwv.org to learn more about the time and date of upcoming forums.

Let’s be proud of our voter turnout in West Virginia! Your vote matters!

(The League of Women Voters of Jefferson neither supports nor opposes candidates but is engaged in local, state and national issues of importance to our community. Please explore our website lwv-jcwv.org/, attend our forums, and become a member.)

Debbie Royalty


League of Women

Voters of

Jefferson County