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A public ‘thank you’

By Staff | Jan 19, 2018

The residents and staff of Canterbury Center Nursing Home in Shepherdstown would like to publicly thank all of the members of our local Shepherdstown Fire Department, and those in surrounding Fire Departments including Berkeley County and Jefferson County, who responded to the facility’s fire emergency this past Saturday night. Your quick response to our alarm and efficiency in investigating and handling the smoke situation was phenomenal.

The training and expertise of these volunteers was evident the moment they stepped onsite. With a fragile patient population, we are so very grateful for the courageous work our local firefighters do every day to protect our seniors and the staff who are employed to take care of them. Their professionalism, care and concern for our building speaks volumes about the love and dedication these volunteers have for our community.


Katrina Taylor, Executive Director on behalf of the residents and staff of Canterbury Center