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Every vote counts in the midterm primary election

By Staff | Apr 20, 2018

Dear Jefferson County voter,

If past history of voting participation in midterm elections is a forecaster, this year’s May 8 midterm 2018 primary election is a place where your individual vote can truly make a difference.

According to the WV Secretary of State’s records, Jefferson County had a low voter participation rate in the 2014 midterms, with only 13.4 percent of registered voters voting. Contrast the 2014 participation rate to the 2016 primary participation rate of 34.7 percent (a year in which there was a presidential election), and know that your vote will make a difference in this midterm primary election.

Participation in this year’s May 8 primary is important because there are several candidates in several races in each of the parties vying to hold the Party ticket for the November general election. You have the power to decide which candidates will appear on that ballot.

Also on May 8, several of the races are actually the final elections themselves. These are the nonpartisan races for Board of Education, Circuit Court Judges Divisions 2 and 4, and the Conservation District Supervisor. The candidate with the majority in these races becomes the elected official on May 9. The Board of Education race is dependent on your district. For a full explanation, see lwv-jcwv.org/how-your-boe-vote-might-not-count/ or check the League Facebook page.

The League of Women Voters of Jefferson County and other local groups are holding a number of candidate forums. They’re all listed on the League website, lwv-jcwv.org. We encourage you to come out, meet the candidates, ask questions and educate yourself about their platforms and their views on the important issues facing our county.

Get to know the new voting machines and the new Voter ID rules. Then get out and vote! Your vote and your participation count.

Early voting at the courthouse is from April 25 to May 5.

Sincerely yours,

Debbie Royalty,

President, League of Women Voters of Jefferson County