Thanks for 43 years as educator
I have been asked many times over this last year if I am retiring. For the longest time, it was “I’m not ready yet; no way.” But, as the days passed (especially during my second work stoppage – 1990 and 2018), it became clear that it was time for me to retire. This decision comes with many mixed emotions, but I had been told by many wiser people that when it is time, you know.
So, after 43 years of serving the children of Jefferson County, I say goodbye and thank you. To the Board of Education and the county office staff, thanks for your vision for the students. To my four principals, thank you for allowing me to be myself and try so many new things.
Thanks to the Summit Point and Shepherdstown communities for your continued support. I cannot count the number of causes you helped our student council complete. SEA – thank you for your generosity and lots of delicious food. I’ve had the opportunity to work with so many amazing people over the years – thanks for your advice and support. Many of you are part of my family!
Most of all, thank you to all of my students and their families. I have loved witnessing all of your accomplishments! I am leaving with so many wonderful memories.
In August, when the big yellow bus is making its rounds, I am sure I will be missing that first day, the beginning of memory-making. But I’ll be around. Look for me at sporting events, sock hops, volunteering and dropping off goodies. Thanks again.
Nancy Cline
Shepherdstown Elementary School fifth-grade teacher