Thank you from the Shepherdstown Public Library
The staff of the Shepherdstown Public Library would like to thank the following individuals who helped to make our “Libraries Rock!” summer reading program a success: Kaelynn Back, Sarah Barz, Amy Brown, Sandy D’Onofrio, Nathan Gageby, Sadie Hagerty, Jane Levitan, Lex and Pam Miller, Regan Parker, Suzie Patrick, Jackson and Spencer Pentony, Addison Reese, Logue Schriever, Michaela Siegel, Alexandra Steuer and Maya Sturm. Thanks for donating your time to help with our summer program!
Thanks very much to these businesses and organizations that so generously provided prizes or prize coupons to each of the children who completed a reading log: Blue Moon Cafe, Chick-Fil-A of Ranson, Community Garden Market, Creative Procrastinations & Whimsical Necessities, Four Seasons Books, Grapes & Grains Gourmet, The Green Pineapple, Lellybelle Cafe, Mountaineer Popcorn, On the Wings of Dreams, Peterson Enterprises (Dairy Queen), Shepherdstown Sweet Shop Bakery, Up On The Hill and Village Florist & Gifts.
Without the following we would not have been able to present and publicize the programs we scheduled: The Shepherdstown Chronicle, the Shepherdstown Community Club, the Shepherdstown Visitors Center, The Spirit of Jefferson and The WV Observer.
We appreciate the talents of the folks who educated and entertained hundreds of children and adults during our free events: Critters and Conservation, artist Danielle Corsetto, musician Tony Martirano and the Maryland Science Center.
As always, very special thanks are due to Friends of the Shepherdstown Library for funding our summer program events and enabling us to offer stickers, bookmarks and small prizes as reading incentives.
Christy Hagerty and Anne Eden
Shepherdstown Public Library’s Children’s Department