Letter to the Editor: Senator Manchin should block Kavanaugh’s confirmation
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has publicly opposed the Affordable Care Act, and his opposition to it may prove to be a threat to the 800,000 West Virginians who live with a pre-existing condition. If Senator Manchin listens to anyone during Kavanaugh’s confirmation process, I hope that he will listen to his constituents in West Virginia.
My six-year-old son, two-year-old daughter and I rely on the ACA for our health care. We depend on the ACA for affordable health care, and I’m not sure what we would do if we lost this option. I don’t want to have to find out.
The Mountain State is grateful for how Senator Manchin stood strong in protecting access to health care last year, and we’re asking him to do it once again. It’s a year later, but the same devastating results will take hold if Senator Manchin allows Kavanaugh to be confirmed. We are all depending on him to do the right thing and block this confirmation for the sake of our lives, our rights and freedoms.
Jessie E. Ward, of Shepherdstown