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Talley Sergent has earned our votes

By Staff | Nov 2, 2018

I saw Talley Sergent in a parking lot last week. She was talking to a prospective voter. It’s not the first time I’ve seen her in Jefferson County this woman is everywhere, working hard to earn our votes. And no one deserves them more.

Conservative columnist Max Boot wrote in the Washington Post this weekend, “We settle our political differences through debate followed by voting.”

He’s right. Where is the debate in WV02? I see Sergent — she is energetic, authentic, unafraid to state her positions, unafraid to face her voters and understands the needs and problems of West Virginians, because she has lived them. She draws her support and money from the people she wants to represent in Congress, not political action committees in Los Angeles. Her responses to questions are thoughtful, not sound bites. In short, Talley Sergent is the polar opposite of the man occupying the WV02 seat in Congress now.

Talley has committed herself to the people of WV02. We must commit ourselves to her. Vote for Talley. Sometimes the best man for the job is a woman.

Elaine Keagle, of Harpers Ferry