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The difference between Talley Sergent and Mooney

By Staff | Nov 2, 2018

The differences between Talley Sergent and the incumbent are evident. Are we going to vote for more of the same, or are we going to vote to take back our state? The choice is clear in this election.

Talley believes in healthcare for all. Mooney has voted more than 50 times to take away healthcare. He votes along the party line, including the recent GOP threat to cut Medicaid and Social Security after the midterm elections.

With a family connection to the opioid epidemic, Talley is passionate about her plan to break the addiction cycle before we lose another generation of West Virginians. This includes accountability for Big Pharma. Mooney accepts donations from pharmaceutical corporations.

Proud daughter of a West Virginia school teacher, Talley walked with the teachers during the work stoppage. She has the endorsements of both teachers unions and school service personnel. Mooney has a zero percent rating by the National Education Association.

Talley shares our West Virginia values. She has listened and engaged with voters at town hall meetings in each of the district’s seventeen counties, as well as countless parades, fairs, festivals, senior centers, education rallies and doors across the WV02. Mooney refuses the call to debate his opponent. He has not taken the time to get to know us or listen to us. He is rarely seen in the district, and he does not answer or reply to constituent calls/letters.

When Talley worked for Jay Rockefeller, she said she remembers him saying “Never forget who you work for.” She has proven that she will continue to listen to the voters of the WV02 and she will work hard for us in Washington.

Let’s send Talley Sergent to represent us in Congress!

Ginger Hankins, of Shepherdstown