Thanks to Fourth of July parade and picnic volunteers
It takes a lot of time and effort from a lot of people to make Shepherdstown’s July 4 parade and picnic happen. The Shepherdstown Rotary Club, which organizes and sponsors these events, wants to thank all of those who helped make this year’s events a success.
Thanks are due first, to the groups and individuals who organized and participated in the parade.
Second, we also want to thank everyone who turned out to watch the parade and attend the picnic.
Third, we want to thank Mayor Auxer, the town council, the town staff, Shepherdstown Police Department and Shepherdstown Volunteer Fire Department for being so supportive of these Fourth of July events.
Last but not least, we want to thank the following individuals and businesses for volunteering time and/or donating materials, services and funds, many of whom are members of the Shepherdstown Rotary Club.
Parade volunteers:
Holly Morgan Frye and Peter Smith, who organized the parade. Todd Coyle, parade announcer. Leslie Carter and Theresa Johnson, who handled horse clean-up duties. Michele Maiden and Daan Vreugdenhil, parade photographers. Other parade volunteers: Marty Amerikaner, Amanda Biebel, Teri Biebel, Tessa Chafin, Dale Homan, Tyler Izydore, Conner McManus, Susan Reichel, Sandy Sponaugle, Tabitha Sponaugle, Elisabeth Staro.
Picnic Volunteers
Rick Caruso, who organized and oversaw all the picnic’s activities. Terry Anderson, who organized the food and drink service. Dana Orsini, who managed the picnic setup. Sandy Brown, who organized the picnic’s children’s activities, with help from Shelly Feist, Aaron and Kara Hutcherson, and the Hutcherson’s children Heavenly, Lily, and Aaron, Jr. . Other picnic volunteers: Grisel Anderson, Richard Anson, Steve Campbell, Rich and Michelle Casuccio, Fred and Anne Delauro, Kim and Walt Eifert, Cherly Groen, Sarah and Matt Harvey, Gary Heichel, Dale Homan, Jenna Keseker, Michele and Tom Maiden, Greg Mason, Keith McCall, Andrew McMillan, Dore Anne and David Miljour, Carol Moore, Sean Murtagh, Sally Peck, Nicole Saunders-Meske, Diane Solbach, Jimmy Sutch, John Taylor, Matt Taylor, Daan Vruegdenhil, Emily Walker.
In-kind donors:
The Bavarian Inn, The Cacapon Institute, Keith McCall, The Jefferson Distributing Company, The Potomac Valley Audubon Society, Progressive Printing, Shepherdstown Volunteer Fire Department, Peter Smith, Sandy Sponaugle.
Cash donors:
Doug Alexander, Fred D’Alauro, Brown’s Tire, Towing & Auto, Walt Eifert, David Gross, Gary Heichel, Insurance Outfitters, Karen Kinnett, Dick Klein, Jack Lantzy, Ann Marie Legreid, Tom Lewis, Ken Mann, Dave Miljour, Tom Miller, Howard Mills, Sandy Sponaugle, Tom Trumble, Lois Turco, Hank Walter.
We say this every year, because it’s true: Shepherdstown is a great place to live, in no small part because it includes so many enthusiastic, community-spirited people who are willing to work together for the common good. Let’s all do our best to keep it that way!
The members of The Rotary Club of Shepherdstown