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Appreciation for Legendary Book Sale success

By Staff | Nov 6, 2020

The Shepherdstown Community Club Board would like to extend their sincere appreciation to everyone who contributed to the Legendary Book Sale: donors, customers and cheerful volunteers.

It was a challenge to carry on, in light of the pernicious COVID-19 virus that has altered our lives, but we exercised caution. Antivirus treatments were sprayed throughout the building daily. Masks were worn by all. Hand sanitizer was generously distributed. We used a spacious layout of books to help maintain six feet of social distancing. We had many satisfied customers and we extended the lives of thousands of books. It was a pleasant way to connect with members of our community, some who have been isolated by the virus.

The effort raised $7,000. This money will be added to the operating budget of Morgan’s Grove Park and the War Memorial Building.

Traditions can be dynamic, living forces that generate energy and encourage innovations that enrich the life of a community. That was demonstrated again this year. We were able to build upon the invaluable experience of prior book sales. We enjoyed the substantial support of our sponsors, Four Seasons Books and Valley Storage on Shepherd Grade Road. They enabled us to maintain awareness of the book sale.

We collect books throughout the year for the book sale. Thanks to the significant donation of books from Mary Stanley’s estate, and the fact that books are coming in on a daily basis, we anticipate having a spring Sale. Volunteers are always welcome! Please leave a message with your contact information at 304-876-3323.

Thanks again for your tremendous support.

Jennifer Wabnitz, SCC president