Concerns over SCC’s COVID-19 precautions
The Shepherdstown Community Club’s annual meeting is coming up next week, which the club is urging the community to attend. This is the only “club” in town whose remit is the whole community, including the community’s major playground and conservation preserver, Morgan’s Grove Park. The meeting is at the War Memorial Building.
This annual meeting is very important to the SCC, as last year’s meeting showed. I wanted to attend (and bring a check) to see what full community thinking could do to help the blow their finances have taken, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, which was mentioned in an SCC board member’s Facebook post.
But it is clear that the club does not understand what “community spreading” of this deadly virus means — what science has shown. According to research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “small indoor group gatherings are one of the major ways this virus spreads.” This is taking place, as the virus grows faster than ever in our country again. It was bad enough to virtually run through their Legendary Book Sale the other weekend — I couldn’t resist — because they let a few people without masks roam, including board members. Their recent laudable tree planting at Morgan’s Grove has all participants pictured too close and maskless.
Town council leadership and all our churches now know virtual meetings via Zoom are the way to respect the community members and their desire to know and do.
I will not be attending the annual SCC meeting and am withholding my check until the club shows they get it, when they write, “these trying times.” For the whole community they represent.
Mark Kohut, of Shepherdstown