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Spay Today can help with animal population control

By Staff | Mar 19, 2021

With the coming of spring, the kitten population will soon multiply. I would wager to say that the majority of people in the Eastern Panhandle have had the experience of either finding a cat, having a stray cat appear at their home or heard sad stories of what happens to cats who encounter people who don’t want them around.

We hear the stories of our wonderful, dedicated TNR volunteers who enter areas where there are a lot of cats, trap them, pay to have them spayed or neutered and then return them to the areas, not only because the cats are feral or strays, but also because homes for cats are few and far between. These people have limited funds to carry out their goal in reducing the cat population. But because they know the importance of spay/neuter and how it eliminates numbers of cats who would experience disease, starvation or abuse, they continue their program.

Even those who do not have the money to have an animal spayed or neutered can make a difference. Spay Today offers reduced fee coupons that go to the veterinarian of your choice to perform the surgery. The Animal Welfare Society of Jefferson County will give out a reduced fee coupon to county residents. Although the cost still remains high, there are people who would be willing to pay that fee for you. Whether it’s a neighbor, local business, animal organization or club, people are willing to help in order to get the animal population under control. Paying that cost to the veterinarian for you in the name of a loved one or beloved pet makes a difference that they understand. With social media, news spreads quickly about the need for funds. And people do answer the call. In this time of pandemic, we’re seeing how families are being helped, community projects are getting completed even though funds were exhausted and we’re looking to turn the corner of the challenging year we just experienced.

To take that first step, go on the internet and look up West Virginia Eastern Panhandle organizations helping in animal population control. If they cannot help you, they will know where to send you for a referral. The most important thing is not to ignore the issue. Once a female cat has kittens, the problem multiplies.

Anna Mary Walsh, of Shepherdstown