Problem between ‘gown and town’
Last week, I turned onto Shepherd University’s Duke Street entrance/exit. Driving this way to Route 45 would have saved me time on the road, since classes are not in session.
A speeding blue vehicle came down on the right from the Moler Dormitory area. The car neither slowed, nor stopped, as it drew near me, and its laughing driver turned left in front of me.
I tuned and followed car to the dumpster between Shaw Hall and Thatcher Hall. I then got out and identified myself.
I asked the driver and his passenger, who were unloading furniture into the dumpster, if they knew what “right-of-way” is.
“Huh?” and “No” were their responses.
Then I drove up to Shepherd University’s campus police headquarters. On my way there, a county cop car passed by. I should have flagged it down, because when I got to campus police headquarters, I saw a sign on the door, saying the office would be closed until July 9. Of course, I didn’t use the listed emergency phone number, because this was not an emergency, rather, an education and enforcement issue.
My request to Shepherd University is for their students to be educated of their duties as citizens — one duty of which, is safe, legal driving. The student’s car in my situation had no license, was speeding and failed to yield right-of-way.
Frances Lynch, of Shepherdstown