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Taking a stand for human rights

By Staff | Aug 19, 2022

Women’s rights are human rights.

Some Mountaineers in the state legislature seem intent on depriving women of the most basic of human rights — the rights of privacy to conduct their lives in accordance with their personal belief systems, the right to control their mental and physical health and the right to choose their future. How ironic it is, that of the 134 members of our legislature, exactly 17 are women!

In a state where women are, at a minimum, 50 percent of the population, that 117 men are chomping at the bit to control the lives and futures of every woman in West Virginia. They are enthusiastically willing to not only control the women, but also the health care providers and services that attend to them. Many are even willing to criminalize the selfless acts of humanity that these men and women perform, as they work to provide healthy outcomes for our citizens.

They are so willing to impose their own personal belief systems on the rest of us, that they have clouded the visions that formed the foundation of our nation, freedom from undue oppression from the state. What could possibly be more oppressive than an overreaching assembly, 90 percent of which are men, dictating the health, welfare and future of women, based upon their own misogynistic belief systems? This is unacceptable. Our mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and granddaughters must have the same rights and protections from an overbearing and oppressive regime as our men. We are all equal. Not almost as equal. All equal. This is why I support Senator Hannah Geffert’s re-election as our state senator.

Hannah Geffert’s lengthy experience as an educator and advocate have well equipped her to speak up to protect personal freedom. She understands that an erosion of women’s rights is an erosion of human rights. She also knows that an erosion of human rights would be a deterrent to the economic and financial health of our state.

What physicians, health providers and attendant services would locate in a state, where their own employees would be subject to criminal penalties for upholding their professional oaths and pledges? How many of our nation’s best and brightest men and women would choose to live in or relocate to a region that would put the health, welfare and future of their families in jeopardy? Senator Hannah Geffert knows the answer to these questions. So do you!

Vote for Hannah Geffert to continue as our state senator. Vote for her to protect our human rights and successfully navigate West Virginia into the 21st century.

Andrew Singer, of Martinsburg