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Reelection may bring great results

By Staff | Oct 7, 2022

I write this letter to support the reelection of Senator Hannah Geffert.

She has been active in our community for many years, with myriad volunteer positions from the Apollo Theater and Shenandoah Community Health, to being a Read Aloud volunteer in elementary schools. She taught history and political science for more than 20 years at Shepherd University, and helped to bring Blue Ridge Community College to Martinsburg.

Hannah Geffert believes we need strong public schools with adequate wages for teachers and staff. She clearly sees the need to reform the West Virginia foster care system, to protect vulnerable children. She wants to help create good jobs with good wages, to encourage young people to remain in the state and help us to grow responsibly. She wants to support our growing population, by providing better physical infrastructure — water and sewer and public safety.

For these good reasons and many more, Hannah Geffert’s reelection will benefit West Virginia. Please vote on Nov. 8 in your precinct, from 6 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., or vote early, from Oct. 26-Nov. 5, on the second floor of Charles Washington Hall in Charles Town, which is accessible by elevator and stairs.

Eleanor Finn, of Shepherdstown