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Take part in a 27-year-old tradition

By Staff | Mar 31, 2023

The Shepherdstown Battlefield Preservation Association (SBPA) would like to thank supporters of the Shepherdstown Battlefield for protecting the 122-acre Osbourn/Far Away Farm on Trough Road from development or further deterioration.

With your help, we raised over $79,000 for the American Battlefield Trust toward our nonprofit organization’s $2 million preservation effort. Special thanks to the West Virginia State Outdoor Heritage Fund, the Jefferson County Historic Landmarks Commission, the Land Trust of the Eastern Panhandle and the Jefferson County Farmland Protection Board for their help with reaching this fundraising goal.

Please join us for the next Shepherdstown Battlefield cleanup day, which will be held on April 15 at 9 a.m. at the Cement Mill, near the intersection of Trough Road and River Road. This event will be held in conjunction with other American Battlefield Trust Park Day cleanup efforts at historic sites and battlefields across the nation on April 15. The annual, 27-year-old community service tradition’s sole location in the Eastern Panhandle will be at the Shepherdstown Battlefield, with this registered cleanup effort by the SBPA and Jefferson County Historic Landmarks Commission.

After assisting with cleanup that morning, attendees will have the opportunity to learn some lesser known information about Far Away Farm’s Civil War history, by attending a tour at 1 p.m. by the farmhouse, led by author and professor Tom McGrath. He will share a new perspective on the battle, as he describes the movements of Confederate General A.P. Hill’s men across the farm on Sept. 19-20, 1862. Please dress appropriately for the day’s events.

See the SBPA Facebook page and www.shepherdstownbattlefield.org, for updates on the cleanup day and our ongoing efforts toward getting the Shepherdstown Battlefield preserved as a national park.

Michael Nickerson, SBPA president