First book drop-off date set for June 10
Each year, over 100 different individuals and families contribute books for our annual Shepherdstown Community Club (SCC) Book Sale, which is held in October. We are deeply appreciative of the many wonderful contributions of books, often items of meaningful interest to the families and now and then whole libraries. While the primary purpose of the annual book sale is to raise funds to maintain the War Memorial Building in downtown Shepherdstown and Morgan’s Grove Park, which facilitate many local cultural and civic activities, an equally important motive behind the book sale is to put good books in the hands of readers young and old.
One reason for the SCC’S past success in collecting books, has been our ability to pick up or receive them when convenient for the donor, frequently because of a move or relocation, or to facilitate settling of an estate. As a “not for profit” organization, we are able to document contributions for tax purposes.
This year, we hope to make it even easier, and will have several collection dates on which families can bring their books to the pavilion at Morgan’s Grove Park. The first opportunity will be on June 10, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. You are invited to bring your books to the park, where our volunteers will be on-hand to unload them for you. Our volunteers will then sort the books into subject categories and store them in our facility at the park. Additional drop-off dates at the park will be arranged for August and September.
Of course, we will continue to pick up individual contributions of books or arrange for you to leave them at the War Memorial Building or other convenient locations as in the past, if that is more convenient for you.
Anything with questions about book donation is welcome to call me at 304-261-2359.
Mike Austin, SCC member